Sunday, March 16, 2008

Patriot Musical

Mariana's 2nd grade class performed an exciting patriotic musical in honor of President's Day this past February. Mrs. Handy, Mariana's teacher, adapted and directed the musical, and did a fabulous job! All the students had parts to learn and all of them learned many songs, celebrating our forefathers, our 50 states, American heroes, our flag, our soldiers, American workers, and most of all, God's blessing on America.

Mariana was given the part of Sybil Luddington, the "female Paul Revere". She was 16 and rode her horse to warn the settlers of the coming British troops. Mariana did a great job, with lots expression, saying her part, explaining what she did the same night that Paul Revere rode his famous ride.

The class also performed at the Veteran's Hospital in Livermore for a room full of elderly veterans. It was so moving, especially when the students sang a medley of each military branches' anthem.

Grandma, Auntie Rosalyn and Mommy after Mar's performance


Becky said...

Love the new updates. The picture of Mariana's Holland display is precious. And that is so cool that Jack is doing good in T ball.

Rosalyn said...

I wish I'd been able to go to the Veteren's performance, it was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Mariana, you look so cute and did you ever do a great job! I knew I could depend on you to do an excellent performance and you know I chose you purposely for this part because of WHO you are. I am so, so, so, proud of you!
Mrs. Handy