Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jack's First T-Ball Game!!

Jack joined T-Ball this spring for the first time ever! He's loving it! Most of the kids on his team played last year (it's for 5-7 year olds), but he's definitely not behind in skills. His has a great coach, and is already learning so much. He's proving to be a good listener and imitator -- watching the coach carefully to see how to throw correctly, listening where he needs to throw the ball if he gets it, etc.

His first game was this past Saturday (March 15). He looked so great in his Giants uniform! As we walked across the field to join his teammates and warm-up before the game, he said to me, "I'm kind of nervous!" So cute!

When the Giants hit the field, his coach put him in the pitcher's spot. I overheard the coaches discussing who to put there and at 1st base, since they get the most action, and Jack was one of the three boys they mentioned. At the risk of bragging, this made me so proud! In that inning, Jack even fielded a grounder and successfully threw the ball to the 1st baseman and got the runner out! The first out of the game and the season! (in T-ball they play 7 batters or 3 outs, whichever comes first -- can you guess which usually comes first?) I think we got a total of one out for the game. AND, they give the game ball to one player at the end of each game (this was new to me...), and they gave it to Jack!! Way to go, Jack!!


Rosalyn said...

JACK! Your big game was GREAT! We can't wait to see a game, let us know when. We love you! Auntie, Uncle and the girls! 0x00x

Ginamarie Cornelius said...

RIGHT ON JACKSTER!!!! Whooo Hoooo!!! So proud of you! Keep up the great work!
Jeff, Ginamarie, Kimmie, Annelise, Simone, Monique, Sienna, Lisette and Brielle!

Ginamarie Cornelius said...

Way to go JACKSTER!!!! WOOOOHOOO!! Keep up the great work!
Jeff, Ginamarie, Kimmie, Annelise, Simone, Moninque, Sienna, Lisette and Brielle!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jack! When you are a famous baseball player I can say I was your teacher.
Mrs. Bennett

brenda Madsen said...

Go Jack! I think you get your ball playing skills from your Mommy!